Looking back on a long career in dentistry I smile and feel truly blessed to be doing something I love each day. Would I choose this path if I could do it all over again? ABSOLUTELY! I embrace the daily challenges and rewards that present themselves. I savor the moments of small successes and continue to learn from the obstacles I may face.
Dentistry is a unique combination of medicine, psychology, construction and art. Melding these aspects with compassion, humility, and skill continues to make me a better dentist and person. US News and World Report has ranked dentistry in the top three professions for the last several years. This is based on combining personal and professional satisfaction. I certainly agree with this ranking and believe it will continue to be a rewarding and exciting profession.
Dentistry has afforded me with a wonderful balance between family, work, and community. Over the years each handshake, each smile, each conversation holds a special place in my heart. I look forward to many more years in this wonderful profession.